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Family Owned and Privately Held

Chief Industries, Inc. is a privately held company that is still owned by the same family that first opened the doors in 1954. Never bought. Never sold. Chief Buildings designs, details and manufactures metal building systems right here in the United States. We service all fifty states in almost every business sector. We are not the biggest in the industry, so we let our reputation define our success. You might say we play by our own set of rules.

The Chief advantage is simple. Although we are large enough to service industries across US and international markets, we are still a family company. The employees walking up and down our halls all greet each other by first name. We extend that same friendly hello to all of our Builders. Interacting daily with people you like doing business with has to be the best kept secret of our success and longevity.

A Single Brand That Defines Quality and Value.


One brand. Three generations strong. Through a solid history of good business acumen, diversification while remaining true to our roots, and forward thinking decision making has kept Chief financially strong and well respected in the marketplace. Slow and steady growth has proven to be the recipe for our ongoing successes. Unlike publicly traded companies that must answer to outside investors and the stock markets, our goals are not limited to immediate results just to satisfy quarterly dividends. Long-term planning for long-term results is an uncompromising characteristic at Chief. Trust that we will always put customer satisfaction and quality products before purely profit driven goals. We believe that the business of relationships is where success starts.

Chief Over the Years

 Chief Industries began in 1954 as a small construction company servicing the local residential and agricultural markets in and around Grand Island, NE. 

1954 – Eihusen Construction Company began remodeling single family homes. This division lives on today as Chief Construction.

1959 – Started manufacturing grain bins in our Grand Island facility under the Big Chief of Nebraska name. This division lives on as Chief Agri today, but is now located in Kearney, NE.

1966 – Started manufacturing metal buildings. This division lives on as Chief Buildings today in our expanded Grand Island offices and manufacturing plant.

1968 – Big Chief of Nebraska is renamed Chief Industries. Opened a grain bin manufacturing facility in Rensselaer, IN. This facility is now run by the Buildings division producing metal buildings.

1970 – Added production and distribution of manufactured homes in Aurora, NE. This division lives on today, in its original location as BonnaVilla.

1973 – Acquired Grand Island Contract Carriers. This division lives on today as an irregular route trucking company under the name Chief Carriers and is located in Grand Island.

1976 – Formed Chief International, Inc and acquired Caldwell Manufacturing Company which added grain storage and aeration equipment to our product line. These business units now live on under the Chief Agri banner.

1984 – Split-off the oem fabrication services from Chief Buildings as a separate business unit. This division lives on today as Chief Fabrication and is located in Grand Island, NE.

1987 – Chief Buildings adds second manufacturing plant by expanding into the existing Rensselaer, IN plant.

1990 – Purchased ethanol production plant in Hastings, NE. This division lives on today as Chief Ethanol Fuels, Inc.

1997 – Purchased Heartland Electric Company in Grand Island, NE. This business unit lives on today under the Chief Construction banner.

1998 – Began our Powder Coating department. This business unit lives on today under the Chief Fabrication banner.

2001 – Arrowhead Steel Products began fabrication of structural steel. This business unit lives on today as Arrowhead Steel Fabricators under the Chief Buildings banner.

2005 – Chief Construction Company is incorporated in Grand Island, NE.

2007 – Chief Buildings opens a remote detailing/drafting location in Lincoln, NE.

2011 – Chief Industries began real estate development. This business unit lives on today as Chief Development under the Chief Construction banner. Chief Fabrication introduces the Pivot Walker.

2016 – Chief Ethanol Fuels acquires a second production plant in Lexington, NE.

2017 – Chief Buildings opens remote detailing/drafting location in Ft. Dodge, IA.

2019 – Chief Industries celebrated 65 years!

2020 – Chief Buildings opens remote detailing/drafting location in Eufaula, AL.

2021 – Chief Buildings celebrated 55 years!

2022 – Chief Buildings opens it’s third manufacturing plant in Lancaster, SC.