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Schools across the country are back in full swing, and Otto Kasten, Quality Assurance Manager at our Indiana manufacturing plant, has been busy visiting high schools in and around the town of Rensselaer with donations to their welding programs.

“At the start of school we put together a care package of various PPE items for four high schools in our immediate area. Safety is our number one priority here at Chief and we want them to know that their safety is our number one priority as well,” said Otto.

Every year, Otto and his team deliver safety glasses, weld gloves and jackets, and one head gear and grinding shield for each school. But he doesn’t stop there.

“A couple times a year we donate scrap steel for their programs – approximately 1000-1500 pounds of scrap steel to each high school. At the end of the school year, we give weld test to the students. Sometimes 30-40 students per school take the 2G weld test and if they passed it the prior year then they take the 3G weld test. The beginner classes take a fillet weld test. We also do plant tours for the high schools, and I am on the Advisory Committee for all four high schools.”

The four high schools served by this program are Rensselaer Central High School, South Newton High School, Tri-County High School, and West Central High School. There are a total of 211 students enrolled in the welding programs across all four schools.

In addition to his work with the high schools, Otto is also on the Advisory Committee at Ivy Tech, a local College, and Chief Buildings donates approximately 2000-2500 pounds of scrap steel to their programs twice a year.

Otto and his team in Indiana are not the only Chief Buildings location actively involved in educating the youth in their community, however. Our manufacturing plants in Nebraska and South Carolina both regularly donate scrap steel to local welding programs and offer plant tours to high school and college students.